Miracle Digital is a Hong Kong base Digital transformation and Digital Marketing agency. We help our clients improve digital services to make them simple, clear and fast.

柏力地台工程公司 : Alex Shum Tel: 92163059 ,54059182, 24282023 -專業地台施工項目,自流平地台,Epoxy 地台,防水打針工程,磨地台,刨地台,石屎鑽界工程,防滑鋼沙工程,防滑沙地台油,防水工程,停車場防滑沙地台,環保無機水磨石地臺
商業 / 建築及建造柏力地台工程公司

9成新, 自讓,價格平讓,可IT Setting, Scan, Fax

RaSpect is an AI-powered predictive inspection company for architecture. Our mission is to create a safer and smarter society via state-of-the-art technology, including robotics, AI and IoT.

尚有各類文具,各牌子炭粉、墨盒、包裝用品、綑膜、封箱膠紙、打字機、支票機、碎紙機、咭鐘 白板、水松板、黑板、計算機、訂做紙箱、印刷公文袋/信封/信紙等等……
買賣及批發 / 文儀及精品- 辦公室器材香港文儀 Kit Poon(潘小姐) TEL: 6144-4237

I am a British Chinese tutor currently studying Medicine at HKU and am hoping to teach in Hong Kong; I can also coach your interview skills should you wish to apply for medicine at HKU.
A教學進修 / 補習Alexander Ng

尚有各類文具,各牌子炭粉、墨盒、包裝用品、綑膜、封箱膠紙、打字機、支票機、碎紙機、咭鐘 白板、水松板、黑板、計算機、訂做紙箱、印刷公文袋/信封/信紙等等……
買賣及批發 / 文儀及精品- 辦公室器材香港文儀 Kit Poon(潘小姐) TEL: 6144-4237

Skandik offers a great selection of contemporary and quality furniture at affordable prices. Inspired by Scandinavian design, our approach to style is focused on simplicity and functionality.
F家居 / 買賣交易Fabric Sofa Hong Kong

需自取,可議價;沐浴輪椅車腳踏可拆開 (可連同電動護理床及減壓床褥出售) Need to collect by yourself, please offer price. The foot pads are removable. Can sell with the Tiltable Care Bed and Pressure relief mattress together.
b長者 / 醫療設備及用品brighteducation2008

需自取,請出價。(另有沫浴輪椅車, 可連售) Need to collect by yourself. Please offer price. (Can sell with bath wheelchair together.)
b長者 / 醫療設備及用品brighteducation2008

觀塘小型烘培用品店轉讓,舖位(萬年工業大廈)交通便利,人流暢旺(近APM),連租位合約(1年半)(需自行交租),$20,000 (設備及存貨),多功能彩色文件管理系統打印機(連影印,Scan,Fax),舖內所有設施(木梳化,寬頻上網合約,電話及Fax合約等等)轉讓,如有興趣,請whatsapp 或致電9517 0988預約,查詢有關詳情。
M商業 / 生意頂讓Macy Ng

可付HK$10000 領養費,要見有父母及健康。領養後可以再约相見!會俾—个温暖的家给他. (本人有養狗的經驗) pay HK $ 10000 for adopt, After adoption, you can meet again! Can give the dog a warm home. (I have experience in raising dogs)

香港中文大學數學系First Honour | 中學會考取得7A (包括所有數理科目) 專補IB/GCE/AP/IGCSE Math + Physics | 2017年IB狀元之師 | 7年專業補習經驗 | 熟習名校 DBS/SPCC/ESF 之IB課程 | 可上門 | Tel/ Whatsapp / TG: 92390859 email: [email protected]

We have few thousand pieces of ivory product, raw material to clear. Ivory sell with government license, it is legal. Take over whole stock 90% discount. 最後的收藏,有擁有証彫刻象牙料木刻石刻工藝品.
a商業 / 生意頂讓anftrading88

尚有各類文具,各牌子炭粉、墨盒、包裝用品、綑膜、封箱膠紙、打字機、支票機、碎紙機、咭鐘 白板、水松板、黑板、計算機、訂做紙箱、印刷公文袋/信封/信紙等等……

鄰近觀塘地鐵站, 環境舒適, 1,500平方呎 (最多可容納 100人), 多種場地設備、玩樂設施、影音設備... Comfortable atmosphere - Near Kwun Tong MTR!1,500sq feet (accommodate up to 100 people)
R場地租用 / Party場RelaxingArtDIY
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